Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Michael Vick.....What the hell are you doing????

I can understand your pain. After all, you did just throw the pick to end your super bowl aspirations of the 2010-2011 season. But a strip joint? really??? How soap opera can you get? Although, it would be nice to roll up into an establishment with unlimited wads of green in your pockets. But dude, time and place.

Reports are coming out (giggity) that M.V. was spotted at a gentleman's establishment hours after the Eagle's loss to Green Bay at HOME....hahaha to all you eagle fans. He reportedly spent one hour in a VIP room with not one, but two strippers.

While not against the law, there's no doubt in my mind that he spent one hour in an enclosed room with two naked ladies and didn't want the full service treatment. I'm pretty sure prostitution violates some condition of his parole, oh wait IT'S ILLEGAL! Is sex the new chill pill for stress?? If so, I'll have what he's having!

Oh yeah go Stars...leading Edmonton 1-0 almost at 2nd intermission.

And be on the lookout for Jim Thome news regarding the Texas Rangers. Could Michael Young be on the move??


  1. haha wow, i had entirely no idea this happened. could there be an offseason relapse happening? I wish him the best (aside from games against the Dallas Cowboys) but i do think Michael Vick will ultimately end up violating his probation and saying goodbye to the NFL once again. And about Jim Thome, leave him alone. We got to the world series without him and could have won without him. Losing the top hitter in Rangers history is not worth a guy whose biggest success is most likely behind him. stick with Young and good things will happen. "If isn't broke, don't fix it."

  2. If the rangers do end up pursuing Thome, they will have to dump Young. With the signing of Beltre, he's already in a DH/utility role. 16 MILLION is a lot to pay to a guy who only plays half the game, as where Thome would be a 2mil/yr option with some pop left in his bat. The rangers are gonna look at it from a business perspective and weigh the options. Plus, Mike offers up good trade value for some team lacking offense. But personally speaking, I don't want to see him go either.
